Rfid Project Essay

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1. What are the drivers of the RFID project? The drivers off the RFID project were to increase productivity, reduce cost which allows Boeing to process more efficient. Also by taking on the RFID project, it allows Boeing to better compete within the industry. They’re able to monitor and track the productivity within the supply chain allowing them to increase productivity in the sectors they feel necessary which leads them to processing more efficiently and effectively; which in results brings in more revenue to the company allowing them compete by investing more money not within the company but also within the future technology for the company. Having RFID allows Boeing to reduce cost within the company by not misplacing, losing their products within the shipment off flyable and non-flyable goods. By having products or shipments off thousands off dollar not being misplaced allows the company to save and reduce cost in that portion of the company. As well as, biggest advantage in reducing cost would be the time spent on looking for lost or misplaced parts. People tend to state “Time is money”, by having the RFID implemented for the company, reducing time spent searching on the misplaced parts could help them replace their time in doing something more productive for the company. As well as, not to mention it reduces the cost re-manufacturing the part if the part is in still inventory and not stolen due to the Anti-Theft Detection tool RFID tend to have. Which in return leads back to having more saving, larger revenue and the ability to grow and invest in future technology and product’s to better compete within their
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