Revolution: Causes And Outcomes Of The American Revolution

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University of Phoenix Material Causes and Outcomes of the Revolution Part 1: Causes Complete the grid by describing each pre-war event and explaining how it contributed to the Revolutionary War. |Pre-War Event |Description |Contribution to the Revolutionary War | | |This was the war Great Britain and France that was fought here in America in |Because the removal of the French threat to American colonies was eliminated and this kept| |French and Indian War|1754-1763. |settlers loyal to Britain. The British wanted to tax new colonist and this lead to | | |…show more content…
Declaration of Independence. The |United States, was written in 1777, it was not adopted until 1781. Thus the second | |Congress |Second Continental Congress took place in the wake of the Seven Years’ War |Continental Congress continued to govern until that time. Given that the Congress had | | |between Great Britain and France (1756–1763), which left Britain deep in debt. |started as an ad-hoc body, that the colonists had no history of working together toward a| | | |common goal, it was clumsy and inefficient. | | |While the battle was a victory for the British, since they were able to capture |The Battle of Bunker Hill is arguably the most important battle fought between the | |Bunker Hill |Breed’s Hill, the losses suffered dealt a devastating blow to the redcoats. Of |British and the newly formed American militia not because it was a victory in fact, but
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