Revised Standards of Eyfs

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Early Years Professional Status Standards To achieve Early Years Professional Status candidates must demonstrate the following: 1. Support the healthy growth and development of children from birth to the age of 5. 1.1 Know and understand how children learn and develop and how this can be affected by individual circumstances. 1.2 Support children through a range of transitions. 1.3 Support the development of children’s communication, language, literacy and mathematics skills. 1.4 Know when a child is in need of support and when to refer to other relevant services. 2. Work directly with children and in partnership with their families to facilitate learning and development. 2.1 Understand the important influence of parents/carers and engage with them to support their child's well being, learning and development. 2.2 Communicate effectively with children from birth to age five, listening and responding sensitively. 2.3 Promote positive social and emotional behaviour, attitudes and independence. 2.4 Know and understand the significance of attachment and how to effectively promote it. 2.5 Encourage and support children’s learning in developmentally appropriate ways. 2.6 Engage in sustained shared thinking with children. 3. Safeguard and promote the welfare of children. 3.1 Know the legal requirements and guidance on health and safety, safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and the implications for early year’s settings. 3.2 Know and understand child protection policies and procedures, recognise when a child is in danger or at risk of abuse, and know how to act to protect them. 3.3 Establish a safe environment and employ practices that promote children’s health and safety. 4. Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge every
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