Review Of Argumentative Essay

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My paper will be reviewing Michaela’s argumentative essay about the treatment of circus animals. The first paragraph of Michaela’s paper is her thesis, and in her thesis, she states her argument is about the treatment of circus animals. Although she never comes out and says she is against the way circus animals are treated, I assumed she was against it from the way she spoke about the circus in her thesis. Some words and phrases that Michaela used to bring me to this assumption were, forced to perform, how these animals are treated, and what happens to them on a daily basis. After reading her paper in its entirety, I was correct with my assumption that her argument was against the treatment of circus animals. The first reason why I agree with Michaela is I also believe wild animals should be left alone and not forced into something that is unnatural and harmful to them. I could not agree more with Michaela’s statement about not seeing animals balancing balls on their heads or jumping through rings of fire in their natural environment. These actions are not natural and should not be forced upon these animals. Since animals cannot speak and tell us that they do not want to perform every night in the circus, we need to speak for them and say this is not okay to do. The second reason I agree with Michaela is no animal should be deprived of everyday necessities such as, water, food, and rest. In my opinion, this type of training is inhumane and cruel. This type of training would never be okay in the human world, so why is it okay to do with animals? If you were not performing your job to your supervisor’s satisfaction, you would not have your food, drink, or house taken away from you. However, it appears that is what is happening to those animals. I reviewed Michaela’s reference from PETA’s website
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