Restoring Historic Buildings

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Contents 1. Abstract 2. Domes · History of Domes · Problems with Domes · Rectifying Problems 3. Beams · History of Beams · Problems and Solutions with Beams · Problems with Reinforced concrete 4. Arches · History of Arches · Problems with arches · Rectifying Problems. 5. Case Study – The Mostar Bridge 6. Conclusion 7. References Abstract. The Pyramids of Giza, the Parthenon of Greece, the Great Wall of China, the Colosseum of Rome, today, we stand in awe before these wonders of the ancient world. They hold our history and the deepest secrets of our past in their hidden recesses. However as the saying goes nothing lasts forever and although these buildings have thus far stood the test of time many historically important buildings need a little help. This chapter, as part of the project entitled “Restoring historical buildings” aims to examine the causes and methods involved in the conservation of some of the aesthetically pleasing features on some structures – domes arches and beams. Engineers of the past used such decorative features on many significant buildings thus the job of restoring these proves more difficult. Such features can fail or indeed just need reinforcing for much reasons- however everyday wear and tear can be accounted for a lot of the damage. Restoring such pieces can prove difficult and historical accuracy can not always be achieved On many occasions strict guidelines most be followed when carrying out any preservation work although no one can deny that this work is indeed worth it in order to restore some of the beautiful pieces of bygone generations e.g. dome of the rock. In a few cases the damage done was indeed carried out on purpose as an act of vendetta making restoration a necessity. Examining the causes I have looked at some case studies, which highlight different ways, which these failures have been

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