Research Trail Into Theatre of Cruelty

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Theatre of Cruelty is a style of theatre and acting invented and developed by the infamous French playwright, poet, actor as well as his most famous exploits in theatre director Antonin Artaud. Many people labelled the acting style as under the genre of ‘surrealist’. . Artaud’s style of theatre was first shunned by the public, this is mainly due to what theatre was like at the time. Theatre pre-Artaud was straight lace, naturalistic etc and had social narratives such as money troubles, love triangles etc. Artaud’s theatre completely changed this (including the breaking of the forth wall). Artaud was born in Marseille, France. He was born on (4 September 1896 - 4 March 1948). He is considered one of the most famous and influential drama practitioners alongside Brecht, Stanislavski etc. Artaud was also famed for his mental problems and the consequences of this e.g. his addiction to opium (which started when he was 24) etc. He was also a victim of society, this is shown by the way his style of theatre was viewed when he was alive and how in contrast it is viewed nowadays, to the point where his writings weren’t even translated to English until 1950’s. Artaud was previously a member of the Surrealist movement led by Andre Breton, however he was later banished (due to his ideals being seen by the other members as ‘too’ surreal. Artaud originally mentioned ‘Theatre of Cruelty’ in ‘The Theatre and its Double’. ’The Theatre and its Double’ is a collection of essays by Artaud and was published in 1938. Here he basically outlined his beliefs that the director, actor and spectator make theatre and importantly his belief that theatre should awaken, organise and present the hidden dream images of our minds. This is where he first outlined his ideals for theatre and what he intended to make his shows like. ‘The Theatre and its Double’ is considered by some as one of the most
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