Research Proposal: Effectiveness of Courtship

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Research Proposal Statement Modern day courtship does not determine the success of a relationship because it covers the true nature of the individuals involved. While many Filipinos believe that courtship is an effective way to know if a suitor is serious about the woman, I think that it is nothing but an excuse for the woman to be spoilt, and an excuse for the man to lie about how much he can offer just to achieve his goal. Courtship creates an illusion of how perfect a relationship can be. It is a period where in both the woman and the man act very differently from how they normally do, because they get the idea that they should be doing their best to make a good impression instead of showing their true selves to the other person. This research aims to prove that courtship is not anymore a healthy practice in starting an honest relationship. According to Monty(2011), courtship does not aim to know more about the other person. It aims to hide the other person with the pretense of protecting both parties’ hearts. People in search of a partner should understand that for a relationship to be a success, the couple should not start it by bribing the woman with gifts and promises. Both must equally contribute to the relationship. The solution is not to adopt a draconian approach to relationships, the solution is to approach every relationship with the proper focus from both parties, specifically, that this relationship is aimed towards marriage at some indefinite point in the future, but that both parties understand that the relationship may not work out, at which point the man and woman will go their separate ways in good faith, both having benefited from the time spent together. In the span of courtship, they are able to enjoy themselves by being treated with outmost care and be given with all kinds of presents, from which it can be observed why some young

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