Research Paper Outline On Thomas Paine

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DIRECTIONS: After watching the clip from 1776 read through the stations and on a separate sheet of paper answer the following questions thoroughly and specifically. STATION #1: Common Sense (in the Text) 1. In your own words write Paine’s thesis. 2. Make a list of the specific evidence Paine uses to support this thesis. 3. Based on the rhetoric and information in Common Sense how do you think Thomas Paine defines freedom? (Which of the Enlightenment philosophers would he most admire?) STATION #2: The Olive Branch Petition 1. What are the colonists trying to accomplish with this document? 2. Who do these colonists blame for the troubles between Great Britain and her colonies. 3. Based on these entreaties how do you think the Continental Congress would define freedom in July, 1775.…show more content…
In your own words write a thesis, which expresses these gentlemen’s point of view. (1 thesis) 2. How do they define tyranny, and from whence do they fear it? 3. Based on his rhetoric, how do you think Mr. Seabury and Mr. Inglis define freedom? (Which of the Enlightenment philosophers would he most admire?) STATION #4: 1776—watch the following clip-- 1. List John Dickinson’s arguments against independence. 2. List Benjamin Franklin’s and John Adams’ arguments for independence. 3. How would Dickinson’s definition of freedom contrast with Franklin’s & Adams’? STATION #5 THE LOYALIST ARGUMENT 1. In your own words write a thesis for this essay. 2. List and explain the criticisms leveled by the Loyalists at the Patriots. 3. How would do the Loyalists define freedom and what were the implications for their views on

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