Research Paper on Classless Society

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Comments 0 more Karl Marx's Concept of a Classless Society - Marxist Theory By Jay Dioxy Riboz Dec 16, 2009 Edited Mar 3, 2013 0 0 Karl Marx and the society of today The utopian ideal - a classless society The concept of a classless society has been elaborated by Karl Marx, the father of Marxist philosophy which is the basis of the Communist ideology. As a member of a contemporary society under a democracy, my beliefs are rooted on a society made up of different classes. In order to get to a higher class of society, one has to work with sweat, and even blood. This idea has caused many revolutions because some who do not want the present structure of society want it to be restructured to suit the need of every individual. A classless society is a utopian ideal, it has never been reached. The USSR has disintegrated and the Berlin Wall was already felled but a classless society has never been epitomized by any society around the world. The present societies around the world differ in the form of government but they are still governed by different kinds of leaders, some practice monarchy under a king or queen, others use the presidential form of government, while others used the dictatorial form. Check these out on Amazon: Selected Writings Amazon Price: $17.95 $11.39 Buy Now (price as of Mar 3, 2013) The Communist Manifesto Amazon Price: $7.77 $3.68 Buy Now (price as of Mar 3, 2013) The leaders in our society don't have to come from an intellectually and morally elite ruling class; as long as an individual can put the interest of the public first than his personal interests, he is fit to be a leader at the least. An elitist form of government became so because people let themselves be governed by elites. But the elite class is not perfect, they are still subject to personal biases, hence they are not the overwhelming choice to be rulers. We go back to the
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