Research Methods Assignment

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CHINHOYI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY: SCOOLOF BUSINESS SCIENCES AND MANAGEMENT Name Nyakujara Grace V Reg Number C1213212K Program (BSSCM) Level 2.2 Module Business Research Methods Lecturer Dr Sikwila Individual Assignment 1 Question: Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the survey strategy as a means of collecting data (10) A survey is a data collection tool used to gather information about individuals’ attitudes, past behaviours and opinions on a particular subject. Individuals are asked a series of questions in order to gather information about what most people think about a topic. (Business dictionary) Among different methods of gathering surveys are preferred by many researchers due to its various advantages, strengths benefits, however surveys do have their weaknesses that must be considered High representativeness Surveys allow researchers to collect a large amount of data in a short space of time from a wide range of population. Through sampling, a large number of the population is represented hence surveys are strategic in nature which allows for high coverage and comparative to other methods of data collection surveys have the possibilities to extract data that is accurate and precise. Convenient data gathering from target participants through a variety of ways. The questionnaires can be sent via email, fax and can be administered via the internet. Cost effective Surveys are less expensive than many collection techniques. When conducting one can uses less money to create and distribute questionnaires to the selected sample. Surveys can also be conducted online which eliminates cost like travelling and use of a lot
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