Report on the Religious Life of Planet Earth

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Assignment 1: Report on the Religious Life of Planet Earth Greetings, I am a scientist and researcher sent to the planet Earth for the sole and very important reason to discover if this is indeed a religious planet or not. Although it may seem unimportant, the truth is that religion is very important for my people. My superiors are expecting an in-depth investigative report back from me on Earth’s religious status. I have had the pleasure of using a time machine to see not only a glimpse of what religion has become, but also how they were started and how they progressed throughout the millennia. This is the documentation of all my religious research and findings on the people of planet Earth. To start with, I first had to determine the criterion that makes a person religious. To do this I had to define religion. Most people on Earth as well as my planet believe that religion as a whole is the social institution involving beliefs and practices based on recognizing the sacred. In my studies I have found that within many of Earth’s religions, the people do believe in a deity or deities. However, some religions do not necessarily believe in a supreme being. One such example is Buddhism. I’ve discovered that religious people do not need to believe in a God, but do participate in those traditional activities that they deem sacred. Examples of this would be prayer, communion, meditation, charity/mission work, sacred storytelling, dancing, worshiping, fasting, sacrifices, visiting sacred sites such as temples, pilgrimages, and attending rituals. The people of these religions are also required to follow a set of rules, guidelines, or laws that reflects how religious those people are depending on how successful they are at following those rules. There are many behaviors and/or beliefs I’ve observed that meet the religious criteria. Three of the

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