Removal of Plaster Cast

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Removal of Plaster Cast Plaster cast removal is a procedure in itself. The procedure involves risk of injury to patient and should be done with utmost care. Following equipments are necessary for removing a cast * Scissors * Benders * Electric cutter * Materials for washing limb * Supportive bandages or appliances The limb in plaster should be supported by sandbags. As most casts are removed by bivalving down the lateral sides these areas should be easily accessible. The choice of apparatus depends on several factors. Unpadded and skin-tight casts are cut with plaster shears. Completely padded casts can be cut with an electric plaster cutter. The noise of the electric cutter frightens some children, and so shears may be used. The procedure is explained to the patient, and the apparatus that you will be using should be demonstrated to make them feel at ease. The cast should be cut steadily and smoothly. it is good to converse with patient to divert his focus. Cutting Plaster With Plaster Shears The size of shears used depends on the size of the cast. Draw guidelines down the side of the cast making sure that the line does not run directly over any bony prominences. The stockinette is snipped at the ends of the cast to allow the shears to be positioned above this lining materials. If stockinette has not been used, try to insert the blade between the plaster and the padding wool. Insert the blade under the plaster, parallel to the skin with the handle held steadily in the vertical position. The other blade cuts through the cast from above, its handle should be parallel to the cutting line at rest. This is the starting position, and if the blades are incorrectly aligned, the lower blade will press into the flesh causing bruises or even lacerations. After each cut the blades should be realigned before the next cut is made. This

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