Religious Idolatry In Knight Of The Cart

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Religion/Religious Idolatry in Knight of the Cart References to religion and religious concepts and figures hold steady throughout Chretien’s story, The Knight of the Cart. As the text is carefully analyzed, one can pick up on each religious symbol used. Religious behaviors such as affective piety, reliquaries, bowing as if before an altar and many others are seen and revisited frequently within the text. Lancelot becomes obsessed with the strands of hair which belong to Guinevere, and does not take much notice to the beautiful comb itself. Lancelot’s religious quest for Guinevere’s love takes him over a bridge made completely of razor sharp swords. Lancelot is then carted around by a hideous looking dwarf and stating the fact that his heart is so full of love for Guinevere that he would rather die than not have her at all. Religion and religious idolatry is a major theme repeated over and over throughout this story. The symbols are prominently shown through Lancelot’s trials and tribulations on his journey to prove his love to his one and only, Guinevere. Chretien chooses to use the number seven as it refers to religion. The Bible uses the number seven, as it took God seven days and seven nights to finish Creation. The Bible speaks of the end of the world and the seventh angel that will come. The number seven can be said to symbolize God’s perfect Creation. In regard to the story, the number seven symbolizes Lancelot’s perfection and relation to holiness in this passage, “You can be sure that to lift it would take seven men stronger than you or I. On it are carved letters that say: ‘He who will lift this slab by unaided strength will free all the men and women who are imprisoned in the land from which no one returns…” (144). Lancelot performs a task that the tombs states clearly, no human

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