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JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE of Kent, Homer A. “The Gospel According to Jesus” by J F MacArthur Jr. Grace Theological Journal Volume 10 (1989): 68-77. THEO 510 LU (fall 2012) Survey of Christian Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Tammy Chesnic September 30, 2012 Table of Contents I. Contents Page II. Body of Critique Includes the Following Sections: A.
Through religious upbringing, children are raised with a sense of distinctive morals and culture. For example, the Catholic Church pressures children to learn ‘rights and wrongs.’ Despite having previously been accused of dividing communities, a recent survey – which was notably funded and carried out by the Church of England – has revealed this to be false. The survey proved that many of the faith schools promote “community cohesion,” the idea of unity existing within a community. This proves that, psychologically, children can in fact be helped by early exposure to religious ideas and morals. In addition to this, religion allows children the “proper spiritual direction” needed to withstand temptation and “carnal desires.” This indicated that exposure to religion can be viewed as necessary to allow a child to grow out of having a possible “primal” side.
2004; 97(12): 123-1230. Accessed June 5, 2013. 2. Gillum, F. Frequency of attendance at Religious Services and Mortality for Multiple causes in a U.S. Nations Cohort. The Internet Journal of Family Practice.
Suicide after natural disasters. New England Journal of Medicine, 1998; 338(6): 373-8. 28 Jayson D, Wood A, Kroll L, et al. Which depressed patients respond to cognitive-behavioral treatment? Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1998; 37(1): 35-9.
9. Human needs assistance. 10. Existential-phenomenological-spiritual forces. (Watson, 1988) Evolution of Jean Watson’s Carative Factors/Caritas Processes over time |Carative |Caritas Processes |Caritas Literacy (Competencies) | |Factors |(2002-2008) |(From draft of working document subgroup of | |(1979, 1985) |(Some agencies/individuals refer to the Caritas |International Caritas Consortium, June 2007, | | |Processes as “Caring Practices.”) |Watson, J., D’Alfonso, J., Duffy, J., Rigotti,| | | |G., and Woodward, T; modified by Jean Watson, | | | |Jan.
Running head: FAMILY COUNSELING APPROACH 1 Family Counseling Approach Laquata Binn-Walker Liberty University FAMILY COUNSELING APPROACH 2 Abstract This research paper discusses Murray Bowen’s Theory. Bowen was a key figure in the development of family systems theory. Bowen’s therapeutic approach is a part of the Transgenerational Model of therapy. Bowen believed that family conflict and issues were a result of unresolved family issues from past generations. This paper also discusses my Christian worldview and how I will apply it to my counseling approach.
Dependence is a person’s dependent on the authority and society. During this stage the individual may have the image of a ‘Sunday School God’, where the individual understands rule setter giving the person description of how to live. This primitive relationship with God is similar in comparison to a mother and her child. Although, Pope Francis feels that this is how the church should be perceived O’Murchu would think that it does not allow for growth to independence or interdependence. During the time of Independence the
The aim of this essay, and thus its thesis question, is to compare and contrast three academic sources that discuss the effects of divorce on children. To do so, it will look at two studies on long-term effects on children due to parental divorce. In addition, two chapters from the book the ‘Handboek scheiden en de kinderen’ (Spruijt & Kormos, 2010) are used. This book provides an overview of academic literature regarding divorce and (its effects on) children. Firstly, this essay will introduce the three used sources.