Religion-Related Childhood Maltreatment Essay

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2011 Surviving Dual Forms of Childhood Maltreatment The Effects of Religion-Related & Non-Religion-Related Childhood Abuse and Spiritual Development Cynthia Walker This paper will explore the spiritual outcomes of religion-related childhood maltreatment as compared to non-spiritual-related childhood maltreatment within adult survivors. I will present on the adult survivors of both religion-related and non-religion-related child abuse in the areas of physical and emotional abuse. The literature is limited on this topic and much of what will be shared will be based on my life as a victim of both forms of abuse. I begin with a working definition of religion-related and non-religion-related (childhood maltreatment) child abuse.…show more content…
What form should Christian disciplining of children take? What are our responsibilities as parents and caregivers to children? Unfortunately, this discussion has been posed only in extremes: either permissiveness leading to a spoiled child or corporal punishment leading to a righteous child. There are other options. Parenting is not as simple as the "permissiveness/punishment argument" makes it seem. Most parents can attest to this fact. Children need guidance and discipline as they grow and mature. They need information in a context appropriate to their age and ability. They need to learn values. For their good and the good of those around them they need to have limits set for them. But they also need to be respected as persons and protected from potential abuse and exploitation. They need to know they are loved and wanted in their family and their community. They need to know that God loves and cares for…show more content…
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