Relative Benefits of Fdi for Mne and Countries

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International Business Emerging Markets Assess the relative benefits of foreign direct investment for multinational enterprises on the one hand and host countries on the other. Globalisation is already wide advanced. Having a look on the three levels of markets (financial markets, markets of goods and services and labour markets) we can notify that the financial markets are already well merged to internationalised markets. We can talk from an integrated global capital market. For several capital markets this development made them dependent from the global market. FDIs stands for Foreign Direct Investments and its term describes the direct investments that are made by investors (other countries or private persons) in a countries' production or business. It can take place through a bought of a company or through expansion. We differentiate two kinds of FDI: the horizontal one and the vertical FDI. If a German restaurant company expands into China in order to open there new restaurants in the same way, it is a horizontal FDI. If the German restaurant company starts to sell "Weisswürste" in China - the company changes step in the value chain - we speak about vertical FDI. Multinational enterprises use horizontal and vertical FDIs in order to expand and to grow. The benefits of horizontal and vertical FDIs for MNEs are the following: -they expand into another market and try to make new markets (Shenkar et al, 2007) -with vertical FDIs they try to revise their costs on raw materials -decrease of labour or production costs in a global environment -increase of technical conditions (maybe) -increase of infrastructure (maybe) The benefits of horizontal and vertical FDIs for host countries are the following: -FDI brings work positions to the host country -FDI brings know-how to the host country -FDI brings money exchanges and drives on the

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