Reflective Account of the Impacts of Supervision

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When my supervisor took on the role for this course he had recently (6 months prior) moved into our areas from a previous position as an area manager in an inner London Authority. I was looking forward to working with him and learning from his experiences. At our meetings we discussed and compared our experiences of working with young people which were interesting as the work settings he described were very different to ours. We discussed my personal aspirations, areas of development and concerns. This has allowed me to share my training needs and my current skills, abilities and experiences. We also discussed accredited schemes which will help me provide the young people with accredited outcomes to their informal learning and be more inclusive with the work, consequently inspiring the young people to develop more. This supervision has been more of the ‘learning culture’ (Peter Hawkins and Robin Shohet 2007) than previous experiences in the Youth Service, similar to my full time employment which suits me, inspiring me to develop more. We meet at regular intervals yet I have his mobile number to discuss issues anytime. This made me feel valued and more of a member of the team, as I now receive regular updates about team meetings and planning. I was asked to provide timetable of my work life balance. To do this I used the mind map model outlined by Cary Cherniss (1995). At the next session we discussed examples of where I might look to delegate and mange time better. I have now started to delegate more preparation work to other workers. This was very motivating for me because this was the first time someone had considered me as whole person, not just me getting the job done. The impact for my practice is that responsibilities are shared and sessions prepared better which enables us to use the face to face time more effectively. Due to the safe environment
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