Reflective Account Of Delivering Smoking Cessation

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This assignment will use the Gibbs (1988) model of reflection to reflect upon a Health promotion activity undertaken in a secondary care setting. This model encourages clear description of the event, analysis and evaluation of the situation and to draw a conclusion considering relative information. It will look at how smoking cessation advice was delivered to a patient giving consideration to relevant literature which supports the associated health benefits. For the purpose of this essay I have used the pseudonym Charles to protect the patients’ identity, this complies with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2008) ‘The Code’ which concludes that people have the right to confidentiality. It is first important to understand the concept of health promotion in today’s environment. Health promotion allows one to empower and educate individuals to make lifestyle choices and changes to promote their health and help prevent disease. This can be challenging when individual health beliefs differ. According to Whitehead (2004) the concept changes with demands, it is delivered by health workers but has become politically driven as the nation’s health changes. As a consequence strategies for health promotion can be influenced by the financial demands to the NHS. The Department of health (DH) (2010) reported over eighty thousand deaths annually are attributed to smoking related diseases alone with a cost to the NHS of £2.7 billion, as a result healthcare professionals are tasked with motivating and assisting every smoker to quit were possible. Description I was working as a student nurse on a busy medical ward when this health promotion activity occurred; my learning outcomes for this placement were admission and discharge of patients and health promotion activities. My supernumerary status sometimes allowed more patient dedicated time, which attributed to this event.

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