August Rush Reflection

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Reflections On The Movie August Rush “Listen. Can you hear it? The music. I can hear it everywhere. In the wind…in the air…in the light. It's all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do…is listen.” Listening, an easiest method of reaching out to the world, is an inherent gift. However, how many of us, having engaged ourselves in the endless hustle and bustle of daily life, have abandoned it? How many of us have forfeited the once joyful ability of opening up ourselves to the surroundings, regardless of all the danger that might come to pass, in the pursuit of the simple pleasure of understanding what others have in mind? Sophisticated, it seems that we are no longer willing to roam the world like the kid we once were. Hiding beneath layers of prickled shells, people peek through the thick network of lattice named “distrust”, their naïve smiles buried deep beneath some long-forgotten place in history, along with laughter that was once borne far away by the wind. Listening isn't just…show more content…
Thus, the cycle continues. People fear of being hurt by others, resulting in the tight circle that they restrict themselves in, which at the same time cuts them off from the music “emitted” by the benevolent. As a result, less and less warmth can be seeped into their cocoon, so in order to keep themselves warm, all they can do is withdraw deeper into their confinement. There is a remedy for all, and it is a brief but concise statement spoken by August Rush:” the music is all around us, all you have to do is listen”. This shall not prove to be a hard task, for all we have to do, is simply” believe in music, the way that some people believe in fairy

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