Reflection Paper for Organizational Behavior

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Reflection Paper for Organizational Behavior Reflections 01 Harvard Case #87543 I am not sure if the experience will be regarded as relevant but I think it can apply in the business world. For as far as I can remember I have always been that annoying and naughty kid, arrogant (learning now that’s what most people though) with a big mouth. I hung with the worse of the worst at school and home, this is culture that has followed me around world and until university. I remember in grade 3, one of my educators then told me that I would never amount to much in life and I think to a certain extend I believed him, he was older and had seen so much people of my caliber. This was later to be proven wrong when I came first in the grade 7 national examinations and later on graduate top of my class cum laude for my first degree, breaking and setting new records for my faculty and university. The story of my life would need more than just a page so I will stop here. In my case I think, I think I now realize how stereotypes played a huge part in my life. Unlike in most cases it looks like I was subconsciously aware of them and that in turn played out in a positive way. From this I learn that as business manager or employee one needs to be aware of stereotypes that surround them so that they may not trap them therefore knowledge is power in this case. This type of awareness and the actual stereotype maybe actually be what motivated someone to want to achieve more and in turn out perform themselves. On the flipside, this educator had or could have totally derailed my life. As children we usually assume those older know best and are hardly ever wrong. In a organization, when someone who has been there the longest told me something about someone I would mostly want to believe but after the couple of lectures we have had I now know that everybody has their own stereotype

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