Reember the Titans

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essay |Remember the Titans |Excellence | In the film Remember the Titans by Boaz Yakin, an idea worth thinking about is the importance of racial unity. In the 1970s, when the main action takes place, racism between blacks and whites roared across the Titan’s hometown, Alexandria, and the United States in general. Racial unity is an important idea because it helps to take away racial tension and create peace and friendship towards people and their environments. Racial unity is shown throughout the film by using techniques such as camera angles, camera shots and lighting which help build up a better understanding in the viewer as to what racial unity really means and can accomplish. Camera work is used very effectively by Yakin to help portray racial unity in the mid point scene in the gym. This is shown when Blue, one of the Titan’s black players, calls the team into the gym for a meeting. When Blue talks the camera is on a low angle making him look big and superior to the others emphasising the importance of what he has to say. This underlines his point when he says: “We ain’t nothing ya’ll!” Blue says this to show the team the reality of how far they’ve come and that is if they don’t racially unite they will just be losers, not winners. Up until this point in the film, the low angle shot had been used only on Coach Boone, as he is the natural leader. Whenever he is saying something meaningful and inspirational to pull the team together, such as the scene at the training camp on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg, he is in low angle. By showing Blue in low angle, the director is showing that the young players are rising to the challenge and taking on real leadership roles. This will be important if racial tension is to be dealt
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