Redlight Argumentative Essay

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RED-LIGHT THE RED-LIGHT CAMERA The newest wave in crime fighting is the red light camera. These red light cameras have the potential for good, but as of now they are causing more harm than good. One problem is that the cameras are impartial. The cameras are also a liability because they are costing the city more in litigation than the tickets from the lights are bringing in, and while the cameras are preventing accidents they are also causing accidents also. Like every other type of authority it has the need to be regulated. Red light camera tickets are not being regulated. They are just giving indiscriminant tickets with any concern for the circumstances leading up to what caused your tag to be on candid camera. I know I’m not the only person who has been approaching an intersection with a green light, and as soon as you pass that point where you know you won’t be able to stop in time the light changes to yellow. You aren’t a reckless driver you just couldn’t stop, yet you will receive a ticket as if you were a reckless driver, and due circumstances such as these the city is being taken to court for every red light camera ticket that is being issued. Red light cameras are now costing the cities more to fight the tickets are bringing in to the cities. According to the Miami Herald, the program carried a cost to the city of 83,347 dollars for four cameras. This cost includes installation of the cameras, and labor. From the 83,347 dollar 50,158 in automatically deducted to pay (ATS) American traffic Solution who is the Arizona based company who owns and operate the traffic light cameras, after A.T.S receives their payment that leaves the city with a profit of 32,589 dollars. This sounds like a sensible and cost efficient program until you factor in unforeseen legal fees brought on by motorists fighting their tickets stemming from red-light camera tickets.

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