Red Lobster Stakeholders Analysis

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Red Lobster Stakeholder Analysis Shareholders Stakes: This stakeholder has ownership, interest and right in the operations of Darden Restaurants. This group has an interest and right in the actions and decisions made by the Board of Directors. The company uses shareholder’s money to perform any actions and carry out any decisions so this group has a right to be satisfied with how the company is being run and the decisions that are being carried out. Attributes: Shareholders has legitimacy, power and urgency with their stake. Their ownership allows them to have a legitimate claim over many company matters. Shareholders have power to make changes in the company due to their ownership. Shareholders have urgency because the company must answer their inquiries and demands immediately. Responsibility: Darden Restaurants has ethical, legal and economic responsibilities to its shareholders. Shareholders have an ethical duty to step in and make demands if the company is acting unethically. Shareholders also have a legal responsibility to obey the law on the business of shareholder and business relations. Shareholders also have a legal responsibility to not misuse company assets. Last, shareholders have a economic responsibility to be profitable and earn returns on their investments. Actions: Shareholders are a mixed-blessing because it aids in the operations and success of the school and are highly cooperative, but also has the power to change any part of the business that it feels is not up to its standards. Since the company going to use shareholders money to perform any action, it is important to get them in the same page with the company. Gerry Mullan needs to first inform the BOD and shareholders of the claims made by the media. It is important that he collaborate with the shareholders regarding the actions and decisions that the company

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