Record Keeping Essay

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Explain the need for keeping records and describe the types of records you would maintain. Records are written evidence. They are used to demonstrate the accountability of an institution. Good record keeping practices are essential. As a tutor starting a new job I will need to have proof of my qualifications; a copy will be recorded in my personal file. As a tutor I will be required to possess skills of accurate record keeping. Initial assessment is recorded evidence and is essential. The results will be used to inform me of how to plan my course and meet all the required needs of the learners. The course information sheet is designed to help the learner to decide if the course is right for them.It states the course aims and learning outcomes. As the tutor I will need to keep written records of planning and delivery of what I intend to teach. It would be useful to set up a course file which contains all the documentation required to run my course. This will include: scheme of work, session plans, learner assignments and teaching/delivery methods. It is important that I keep these records up to date as the auditors may wish to check standards, or another tutor may cover and deliver my session. Within this cycle of learning they should be able to pick up at any stage and follow my recorded information. I would set up a learner file to record individual progress. This written data may include proof of the initial, formative and summative assessments. It will also contain course evaluation and feedback, checklists and learner assignment tracking records. All the above evidence is important as it records information such as learner achievement, standard of records, and if any changes are imminent or any extra support required. I would ensure these records are kept in a clean/tidy organised fashion for ease of reference, up to date and signed. If the course is
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