Recent Advancements in Technology Have Led to Many Changes in Our Daily Lives, but Some People Would Argue That We Are Becoming Too Dependent on Technology and That Not All These Changes Are Beneficial

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Recent advancements in technology have changed our lives significantly. Most noticeably, they facilitate our living, as evidenced by more effectiveness, efficiency, convenience, and ease which result from their proper application. With the aid of recent advanced technologies, difficult tasks can be accomplished in less time with less effort and energy than they were in the past. However, some people are concerned that the convenience and ease that recent advanced technologies offer affect our humanity. Since technology can facilitate almost all our activities, many people depend more on it than on other people. For example, in big cities, real intimate interpersonal relationship seldom takes place because people devote their time, attention, and money more to their computers, smartphones, and the like, than to social activities with other people. Also in big cities, many children and youths prefer playing videogames solitarily to socializing or doing exercises with their friends. We have to admit that in our modern era, technology is indispensable as well as unavoidable. By nature, everyone wants to live an easy, comfortable, and enjoyable life. Technology can help us create such a life. However, too much dependence on technology can impair our sense of humanity and prevent us from living a healthy, balanced life, just as evidenced by some people’s addiction to the latest products of telecommunication technologies which makes them neglect their families and social life. Therefore, to get the best of technology, we have to use it wisely. Facts have taught us that the application of technology can lead to either beneficial or detrimental changes, depending on how we make use of technology. If we use technology for the good of humankind, hopefully it will make our world better. On the opposite, if we use it unwisely and let ourselves indulge uncontrollably

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