Reasons for Migration

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Michael Farella 2012-09-25 Reasons for Migration Migration is something very common since the last century. Migration has become much more convenient because of the evolution and accessibility of transportation. Many reasons such as jobs, labour contracts, business trips, tourism, studies and more have an effect on the reasons why one may migrate. Temporary migration can last between a couple days up to a few years for those reasons. Students will migrate temporarily in other countries because a high school graduation from a foreign country can be quite useful in their country so they complete their studies elsewhere. Another reason for migration can be because of political refugees. If a country is suffering from war or political instability such as threatening laws being implemented by the government, people may feel forced to migrate because of those reasons and not necessarily because they want to but by force. If one is discriminated against in a country they are bound to migrate to another country. Most Refugees want to return to their country as quickly as possible because they are more comfortable in that environment. The last main reason for immigration is for family reunification. Families that do not live together in the same country find it difficult to stay in contact. Therefore many people migrate to where their family is situated. In Canada the main reason for family reunification is to be with a spouse or partner with 64.2% of the people who migrate for family. After that, 28.4% of people who migrate for family are parents and grandparents. Family is more important than anything in life. However in different countries the eligibility for family reunification policies vary and may not be convenient for some people.
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