Reason for Choosing to Do a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computing

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Growing up as a child coming from a rural area and even going to schools in the rural area did not lead me to much of a technological experience, because even the schools was behind on technology. I always say to myself that I want to experience working with technologies. As a child even in my home you couldn’t feel the presence. Reason being is the lack of knowledge from my parents onto me. Nowadays children are being born with computerized brains, so they say, but as time go by you realize that every home is exposed to some sort of technology or the other. However with that being said my home was not like this, where you can put on the television and be part of the technological world. I didn’t have access to this type of technology because there wasn’t any in the home, there wasn’t even electricity. Eventually as time go by I realize that development began to take place, I saw electricity, then a refrigerator, a radio and then came a television. With my eyes seeing all these things my mind began to click. So I began to wonder; what is the purpose of all these items, how does it function, how it can benefit me but I did not stop there because there was a lot to know about this computerized world. As time pass and I entered secondary school then I got familiarized with computers, but not only that, but also the knowledge. As I process the information I realize that I have a passion of knowing more about technology. So I decided to pursue my education in the field of computing. At first I was a little bit confuse because I had not acquired a lot of information. For some reason or the other, I do not know if it’s because the school is in a rural area meant that students did not deserve the best of education. However it did not stop me because I choose to do computing and did not know the extent to which it goes. For example I never knew that swiping your debit card is

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