Reason as a Way of Knowing

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All ways of knowing are used when using reasoning. Reasoning leads to knowledge claims based on clear and practical reasons and decision making based on intelligent thinking, (Stewart 429). This is rationality, and it is an outcome and strength of the reasoning process. Reasoning uses all ways of knowing to assort information taken in. As such it useless by itself because it reasoning only can make decisions based on what the mind considers as practical and sound, (Stewart 433). However if there is no past experiences to draw from, or present perceptions to take in, reasoning what is good or bad cannot be determined. It is the purpose of this essay to highlight the positive and negative aspects of using reasoning as a way of knowing. Reasoning is a good way to make a logical decision as it can be conclusive. Deductive reasoning can be a great example of this conclusiveness. Deduction is “basing one’s conclusions from premises known to be true” (Stewart 179). For example let’s say that two theories are told to Jon from his friend: the first being that orange pears have a bad taste; the second being that green pears have a good taste. Jon is given one regular-sized green pear and one large-sized orange pear. He chooses the green one because of the fact that green pears has been known have a good taste. Jon uses deductive reasoning here as he bases his decision on the ideals his friend gave him. This benefited Jon as easily concluded that because the green pears are good tasting, he knew he must eat the green pear. Deductive reasoning is not always beneficial. This is because in deduction, conclusions are made through reasoning information which is given and known to be true. The problem arises when the premises known to be true are in fact faulty. This leads to the misleading of conclusions and or the gaining of flawed knowledge, (Stewart 433). For example to reflect
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