Reading Is More Important Than One May Think

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Peers, let me educate you on something important, humankind needs to read more often than they do currently. Humanity is known for neglecting such a wonderful pastime for mind-numbing activities such as watching television or playing video games. Literature can do so much more than those uneventful activities. Literature has the ability to transport it’s reader back in time or to a different dimension! Reading is very enjoyable. Novels have so many unique and intriguing storylines. When you read a book, it is basically a movie that happens in your head. Forget about going to the movies, a book is way cheaper and sometimes even free! Why would you pay more for something that only lasts two hours for something that can last so much longer? Books are also considered as an escape. Reading a book can transfer you from your home to a whole new exciting world without the hassle of moving. I also personally understand that students, in particular, may not be able to read because they lack time. Reading a full length novel can take people a few weeks because they do not have an hour to sit down and read every day. You do not have to finish a full length novel for it to count as reading. You can read short columns in the newpaper. You can read little pieces online from the New York Times. You can read during reading break instead of pretending to read and just staring off into space. You can even read instructions on microwaving a frozen dinner. I just want you to read more than you do now. People should also read more because reading can enhance vocabulary. The University of Berkeley did a study on children and reading. The statistics show that the more frequently a child reads the higher level of vocabulary words he or she will know than the child next to him. Berkeley also said that it is still never too late to start reading; no matter what age you are, you can still
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