Reading and Its Pleasure

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Essay on Pleassure of Reading. Food is necessary for our body. Similarly, we also need food for our mind.The best food for the mind is the reading books. It has a pleassure of its own, which perhaps nothing else can give. Reading gives us joy and we forget the cares and worries of life.Some people get pleasure from picnics and tours. Others like to discuss various topics and find pleasure in it. But the reading of books provides us with such pleasure that we do not get from any other activity. Great is the blessing of books. Reading is probably one of the most beneficial activity that every child can do. It is through reading that a person is going to be able to discover new ideas, concepts, places, and people. Some people even describe reading as a journey that starts as the opening of a page, and finishes as the last page is turned. The reason why reading is so important is because reading is relaxing to our mind and soul; it is a way for children to reach out to the world, and it improves our thinking process. Books contain grains of wisdom. They give us sound moral advice. That is why all great men of our country have liked to read the Gita and the Ramayan. The example of Rama and Sita is cited, whenever we want to emphasize noble deeds and their results. We call a bad man by the name of Ravan. It is through the reading of books that we learn to love virtue and hate sin. The reading of good books develops our character. Reading should be encouraged among children at an early age. This is significant because there are numerous benefits that children can dilate from reading. Aside from mushrooming qualities and senses, reading also reports knowledge and information to their brains. It is no secret that reading increases children’s vocabulary and spelling more than talking or direct teaching.

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