Reaction to Ode to the West Wind and the Love Story of J. Alfred Prufrock

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Nature is used through all types of poetry and literature. Aspects of humanity and nature are often used to symbolize thoughts and feelings. The general theme in "Ode to the west wind" is about the natural world. Shelley uses the seasons as a means to show the beauty in change, and the beauty in limitations. This poem doesn't support the famous quote "too much of a good thing is wonderful". In fact, Shelley explains that constance and too much of a good thing makes people forget to appreciate it. If you have it all the time, you can't miss it. Ode the west wind also explains the freedom that the wind has, and the change it brings from this freedom. The wind is used as a symbol of freedom in change in other works of literature, including the novel we read earlier in class, The Alchemist. The character Santiago tries to "change" into the wind to save his life and grant freedom to himself. Shelley states that he wishes to be a leaf in the wind, and he wishes to be as free as the autumn wind. Although most people do not like the winter for it's association with death because of the death of the trees and leaves, Shelley seems to be content with winter. "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?"(Last verse), this shows that, although he doesn't like winter, as long as Spring comes, he will be alright with the seasons change. He will appreciate Spring more because winter came, although winter is not usually a season to look forward to. As "Ode to the best wind" describes the nature of change and appreciation for the mortal and ineternal. The love story of J Alfred Prufrock describes the nature of men, and the nature of action and inaction in humanity. The love story of J Alfred Prufrock is about the inability to act and the anxieties men often feel in the presence of women. Many key characters from other literary works are mentioned in the poem, all relating to the
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