Statement Statement For English Language Teacher

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I have been an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) instructor at Language Center of University of Muhammadiyah Malang (LC UMM) for over four years. As an Instructor, my responsibilities are developing lesson plan set by LC, organizing and delivering an ESP course to the first and second semester students from a variety of departments, evaluating student's work and assignment, and keeping student attendance records. How will this scholarship contribute to the organisation's human resource development needs*? Yes The vision of LC UMM is to equip students with the language skills they need in order for them to compete in both national and international scope. Therefore, highly qualified ESP Instructors are much needed. The scholarship will help LC UMM provide proficient English teachers. I hope I will be one of candidates who receive this scholarship so that I am able to improve my current understanding of English Language Teaching by means of sharing and working with other people who have similar interest. No After my graduation, I intend to work as an English lecturer at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Teaching speaking skill is my…show more content…
Manusia satu dengan yang lain berkomunikasi dengan dua cara, lisan dan tertulis. Komunikasi secara lisan melbatkan dua skill bhasa, berbicara dan mendengarkan, dan komunikasi secara tertulis melibatkan dua skil bahasa juga, menulis dan reading. Oleh karena itu, pengajaran kemampuan bahasa merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam pengajaran bahasa inggris di Indonesia. Kareana scope yang sangat luas, dari keempat kemampuan bhasa tersebut, saya berniat hanya fokus pada pengembangan pembelajaran berbicara. Selain itu, saya juga ingin tahu bagaiamana cara terbaik dalam memotivasi siswa agar mau berbicara secara

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