Ravinaki Resort Essay

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Ravinaki Resort Speech Draft no.1 3) The stakeholders in this case are the owners, employees of the resort, the customers, environment and most importantly, the local community/tribes. We will talk about the stakeholders in more depth later in the presentation. 4) We have identified four major key issues within the case study and these are: * Ignorance of Fijian business culture – how failure to cater for differences in cultures can lead to conflicts and misunderstanding * Ineffective leadership and management style – in here we will talk about how the leadership styles affects the business management system and implications associated with it * Change in vision – the new owner’s failure to inform employees about his new vision and goal of his business * Neglecting key stakeholders And Andrew will now talk about the first key issue – different business cultures 7) Now I will move onto the Canada. As you may already know, Ross, the new owner of Ravinaki Resort was a former owner of a chain of electrical stores based in Toronto. Therefore, to discuss the key issues later in the slides, I will provide you with details about Canada with reference to Hofstede’s and Trompenaar’s dimensions to show a contrast with the Fijian culture. * Individualist – as you can see in this diagram, Canada scores 80 in individualism. This explains the reason why Ross may have expected the Fijian employees to be self-reliant and display initiative * Lower power distance in comparison to Fiji – As Andrew has mentioned, Fiji has a clear hierarchy system but Canada has a less gap between the employer and the employees * Specific culture – Focus on people’s objectives before focusing on strengthening relationships and they provide clear instructions * Achievement – Canadians recognise individual achievements through reward and recognition – this may
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