Rate of Diffusion

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Title: An investigation on the amount of diffusion by osmosis over 24 hours in differing sucrose concentrations upon potato cubes. Abstract: The experiment was conducted to examine the rate and effect of diffusion by osmosis on potato pieces with different glucose concentrations over a course of 24 hours. The initial and final weight of the potato was weighed in mg. Five groups containing three 2x1cm3 potato cores. The five groups of three potatoes were placed into separate beakers of distilled water that contained different sucrose concentration percentages (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) and then left over 24 hours in order for osmosis to have time to pass through the potatoes thick membrane. The final weighing of the potato cores weighed less than initially since the water is leaving the potato in order to evenly distribute itself amongst the sucrose. Introduction: In this lab, the concept of diffusion by osmosis was explored in relation to varying concentration levels of sucrose in H2O. The Diffusion rate of glucose out of potato cells was tested in 5 different stages with the concentration of sucrose increasing each time (e.g. 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) until 100% sucrose is reached. In cells, diffusion accounts for how substances are passed through the cell membrane (Kaisa, 2008). When molecules of a substance, such as glucose, move from a higher concentration to a lower concentration (lowering their concentration gradient) of the substance until achieving equal concentrations on each side of a membrane, diffusion takes place (Mader, 2007). Aim: To explore how osmosis occurs in potato cells with differing sucrose concentration levels. Hypothesis: If the concentration of sucrose is increased, then the rate of osmosis will occur at a higher rate. Prediction: If my hypothesis is correct, as the concentration of sucrose is increased into the solution
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