Rape of Nanking

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Rape of Nanking, the massacre that, “turned murder into sport” said in the famous book, When Sorry isn’t enough by Roy Brooks recaps the true tragedy of what happened in Nanking. Brooks summarized the genocide of 1937 into four words: four words that will never be forgotten by millions of Chinese civilians. In December of 1937, Japanese soldiers charged into Nanking, the capital of the Jiangsu province in eastern China, where hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens were raped, killed and tortured by the Japanese military. Anywhere from 20,000 to 80,000 women were viciously raped. The Rape of Nanking was instigated by Japan due to the poor Japanese economic conditions during the 1930’s, Japan’s policy of imperialism and Japan’s depiction and hatred of the Chinese race. Ultimately, this led to the deaths of hundreds and thousands of innocent men, women, children and elderly Chinese. The 1930’s was a decade of mass destruction where violence, destruction, war, depression and propaganda were seen worldwide. For Japan, the 1930’s was a time period where the Japanese economy was in a depression due to the deflationary policy and the famous Wall Street Crash. The deflationary policy was used by the Japanese government because Japan was under substantial inflation which caused the rate of economic activity to drop. This caused the once strong economy of Japan to decline substantially after the Wall Street Crash of 1929 helping lead to widespread poverty across all of Japan. The Wall Street Crash was a massive drop in economic standards and wealth which led to a world-wide depression and massive unemployment. (These events worsened the Japanese economy as the inflation triggered the prices of necessities like textile and agriculture prices to drop by 50 percent and 40 percent respectively.) RUN ON SENTENCE This proved fatal on the Japanese economy because factories

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