Ragtime Essay

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Anais Nin was an American author, born in France. She published journals, essays and short stories, and one of the richest short-story is “Ragtime”, rich – because the price of the words and emotions are expensive in dictionaries. It’s full with meanings and stylistic devices, and the most important the short story is showing us a one minute, hour, month or century life in one page under a glass bell. What is the life? Is it a twisted piece of paper, just a sleeping city, or the clock which ticks and gets rusty? Let’s analyze this short-story “Ragtime”. The time is permanent, the characters are the face of all human beings, and the place is the view from the sky on the earth. Structurally the story is open and the title “Ragtime” which means a musical genre, is not the exact meaning of the story, but the song is related the way we live, it is rhythmic and moving, it’s like one two step, and the same face has our life, one we wake up, two we live, and three we die like a ragtime. The story begins with the sentence “The city was asleep” which is stylistic device of metonymy, the city correlates on the whole world, and it was shaking with violent nightmares, like a chaos on the green planet, no one knew what was really going on. The first paragraph of the story is a short description of the world, the word “city” is repeated several times. Then we meet enumeration like “trees, houses, telegraph poles” all these are the habitants of the world, and they were too lying on their side. But soon we see the invasion of the ragpicker, “who is he or she? What does he want?” we can’t find out in the story, it’s up to our minds. He was walking everywhere, searching everything, looking for everyone, the second paragraph consists of a lot of metaphors “breathing sewers” synonymic repetitions “odds and ends” enumerations “rags, broken bottles, paper” metaphoric metonymy “of the
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