Quran Love Essay

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Love is definitely one of the prominent topics of the Quran, although it is illustrated in a highly evolved, sophisticated manner, both linguistically and intellectually. According to dictionaries, the verb "to love" in English means: 1- To have a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward (a person): We love our parents. I love my friends. 2- To have a feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person. 3- To have an intense emotional attachment to something or someone. In Arabic, the same verb carries more than just the simple emotional meanings illustrated above, as Arabic is a very rich and complex language. Moreover, the deep shades of love could be expressed very eloquently without mentioning the word "love" at all in the way we do in English. Expressing the manifestations of love and its obligations and responsibilities of compassion, care, esteem, respect, self sacrifice, humbleness, forgiveness, and so on, is a very beautiful form of expressing love in Arabic, the original language of the Quran. The Quran is full of verses with practical manifestations of God's love for His creation, and of believers' love for God. In Islam, faith is a practical deed, not just an emotion. It has to be expressed practically in deeds as well as verbally in prayers. Consequently, you will find that in the Quran whenever faith is mentioned, it will always be coupled with "doing good deeds". Similarly, whenever God's love is mentioned, it's coupled with the practical gifts this love will bestow on believers, as the practical application of their love for God brings them closer to Him. The Quran's approach to human nature is balanced: it recognizes that emotions sway between positive and negative, and people are not expected to be angels who do not know weakness or negative feelings. Consequently, the Quran regulates
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