Questions to Compose a Csr Survey

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CSR Survey Introduction First of all, thank you for taking the time to answer to our questionnaire. This will take you a few minutes and will allow us to perform an analysis for our Corporate Social Responsibility course. This concept is new and deals with the relationships that companies have with their stakeholders (customers, suppliers, investors, etc.) in order to create a favorable environment around the company. In this survey, we will ask you information about your preferences and attitudes regarding retailers. (Our variables: Brand LOYALTY, Brand TRUST, Recognition, Received CSR (different perception of CSR?), Corporate Image, brand awareness) Questions 1. Your age / A sua idade * Under 18 / Menos de 18 * [18-25] * [26-35] * [36-45] * [46-55] * Over 55 / Mais de 55 2. Gender / Sexo * Female / Mulher Male / Homem ------------------------------------------------- BRAND AWARENESS Brand Recall: 1. How familiar are you with retailers (supermarkets)? Extremely familiar, Very familiar, Moderately familiar, Slightly familiar, Not at all familiar | 2. When you think of retailers, what brands come to mind? Brand Recognition: 1. Which of the following brands have you heard of? (Select all that apply) Continente, Jumbo-Carrefour, Aldi, Pingo Doce, Lidl | 2. Which of the following brands do you currently use? (Select all that apply) Continente, Lidl, Jumbo-Carrefour, Pingo Doce, Aldi | 3. Which of the following brands have you used in the past? (Select all that apply) Aldi, Pingo Doce, Lidl, Continente, Jumbo-Carrefour | 4. Have you heard of Pingo Doce? Yes, No | 5. How familiar are you with Pingo Doce? Extremely familiar, Very familiar, Moderately familiar, Slightly familiar, Not at all familiar | 6. In the last year, how often have you heard other people

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