Questions an Answers

2013 Words9 Pages
1.2 - Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards Engage in personal development in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings The knowledge and skills addressed in this unit are key to working effectively in all aspects of your practice. It is essential to know how to evaluate your work and how you can improve on what you do, and to understand the factors that have influenced your attitudes and beliefs. With the major changes, new policies and ongoing research in this sector, you need to make sure that you are up to date in work practices and knowledge, and aware of current thinking. This is not an option but a duty that you accept when you choose to become a professional worker in the social care sector. The people that you support have a right to expect that your practice is always of a high standard and up to date. 4.3 - Explain how to challenge discrimination and oppressive practice of others when working with an individual with dementia You should always challenge discrimination at work, but to do it, it is essential that you can recognise anti-discrimination practice. All work places have a discriminatory policy which all managers and employees should read and follow. My role is to protect vulnerable adults and and adults who do not have the mental capacity, people from discrimination, if you ignore discrimination when it happens this will be viewed as condoning. When discrimination happens it may be intentional, but it can also be because of ignorance or lack of unyou should always challenge discrimination at work, but to do it, it is essential that you can recognise anti-discrimination derstanding. It is not easy to change the views of others, but you must challenge discriminatory comments and actions. It is important to learn assertiveness strategies that can help you recognise discrimination. When

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