Qcf Level 3 Unit 5 Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care

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Unit 5: Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care Unit Reference number: A/601/8574 1. Know how to recognise signs of abuse 2.1. Define the following types of abuse * Physical Abuse: This is causing physical harm to an individual e.g. biting, hitting, shaking, throwing, burning or scalding, or suffocating * Sexual Abuse: This type of abuse can be forcing an individual to take part in sexual activities, or behave in sexually inappropriate ways, penetrative acts including rape or buggery and non-penetrative acts. It any also include forcing someone to watch sexual activities * Emotional/Psychological Abuse: This can include bullying, threatening, devaluing individual self-esteem or conveying feelings of worthlessness, verbal abuse and swearing, imposing inappropriate expectations and exploitation * Financial Abuse includes theft of money or property, not allowing a person access to their finances, mismanagement of an individual’s finances * Institutional Abuse: Examples of this type of abuse are – misuse of authority, failure to maintain professional boundaries, inappropriate use of medication, physical restraint, humiliation or bullying and denying privacy * Self- neglect: Individuals engaging in neglectful or self-harming behaviour for example, neglecting personal hygiene or causing harm to themselves * Neglect: Not caring for the basic needs of individuals including neglectful practice in washing, toileting, feeding and personal care 2.2. Identify the sign and/or symptoms associated with each type of abuse * Physical abuse: Changes in behaviour, bruising, bite marks, can lead to death in extreme cases. * Sexual abuse: disturbed behaviour including self-harm, inappropriate sexualised behaviour, repeated urinary infections, depression, loss of self, difficulties forming relationships
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