Public Policies Regarding Family And Its Problems

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Public Policy is society's response to issues and problems which confront it. With reference to the family and with the use of examples, discuss society's current response to it. People often regards family as the cornerstone of society. One of the primary functions of the family is to produce and reproduce persons, biologically and socially. The composition of the family varies through time. It also depends on the tradition of the place. In some societies two or more wives are acceptable. The composition of the family varies from society to society. The smallest form of a family is known as the 'nuclear family' which consists of a husband and wife and their children. This form of family is a popular one in today's world. Larger forms such as an extended family consists of the nuclear family with an addition of a family member of a third generation such as a grand father or an extended family member such as the husband's uncle, anyone outside the nuclear family. The family has been seen as a universal social institution, inevitable part of human society. In his studies, sociologist George Peter Murdock stated that although different families exists in different societies, there are some characteristics found common in every family. Murdock defines the family as follows: "The family is a social group characterized by common residence, economic co-operation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults". By this, Murdock meant that for a group of people to be characterized as a family, the people must be living in a common area and all the members helps the family economically and financially. From his studies, he concluded that the family has four functions. These functions are sexual, reproductive, economic and

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