Public Opinion: Planned Parenthood Foundation

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What is Public Opinion? Diaydra Gardner 15 Sep 2011 Public polling has been around since the 1800s, roughly, through this method Congress is able to know how citizens feel about the state of the union. Though this method is not 100% accurate it does give a “ballpark” estimate of how Americans feel about issues. Whether one believes cuts should be made to the military retirement plan or whether there should be less funds for the Planned Parenthood Foundation is futile. Where and how one develops these feeling is more the focus; through the initial orientation of political culture is how political solicialization is developed. During this phase we are so suseptical to from opinions it is possibly, for some, the end all to their thoughts…show more content…
Trhough these we acquire a political conversation and flesh out our specific values and stances on the world around us. Through the completion of that phase we all develop our own public opinions based on what we learned and seen through out our adolensent. It is said that unfortunatlry what we learn prior to the time we develop our own opinion, the information we learn through that developmental phase is all we will ever know. Public opinion is simply what we gather from many different avenues of life; what the deifintiaon is, is no where near as important as what one opinion is and how there have chosen to form it. As vauge as this topic is it is defenitly something to be thought about, Why have we openly accepted gays in the military? Or why is it okay in the 21st century that just because it is speculated that a black man killed a white police officer any black man should be punished. Due to our on ignorance we have given government state and federal alike all of our rights and in return live in the world we do…show more content…
Unfortaucatly most Americans do not know why other countries despise us, our leaders would like us to believe it because owe are a “democracy” and because of our freedoms. I truly believe they have puffed us up with lies and are merely forcing us into believing things will be okay for one reason. To keep us blind to the fact that they indeed have “the hand that rocks the cradle”. As I have educated myself on what public opinion is, it leaves a bad taste in me. Though I believe if we truly unite things can change based on the way things are I have to side with the public intellectuals Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman “Public Opinion proposes that the increased power of propaganda, and the specialized knowledge required for effective political decisions, have rendered impossible the traditional notion of democracy.” Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman used as the title of their book Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media
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