Psychodynamic Approach Summary

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PSYCHODYNAMIC APPROACHES 1. ORTHODOX ANALYSIS 2. OBJECTS RELATIONS THEORY 3. TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS Underlying assumption: Constant conflict between unconscious drives & society's expectations. Not a single school of thought. Grounded in individual theory & incorporates systems thinking. Introjections of early experiences Erik Berne explained object relations through transactional analysis ID - innate instinctive, biological drives SELF REPRESENTATION - view of the self Adapted Freud's ID, Ego & Superego = Parent, Adult, Child EGO - reality testing, consider physical & social realities OBJECT REPRESENTATION - object is person towards who desires are focused. Sense of attachment & closeness in relationship THE PARENT:…show more content…
Shared premise: Early life experiences manifest in adult behavior, attitudes & feelings; Examining thoughts, feelings & dreams, unconscious memories brought to the fore; The helper is the expert, interprets meanings of hidden unconscious issues; Insight into & consciousness of past experiences produce change and cure the person; People have need for closeness & attachment - motivates the relationship; Closeness & attachment attractive, also creates fears of dependency & lack of autonomy; Childhood experiences determine ability to function in intimate relationships, fulfill unmet…show more content…
Communication training - systematic, change-oriented, resolution of conflict. 2. Modeling - unlearn negative behavior. - film & audiotapes 3. Rehearsal - homework tasks 4. Reinforcement & feedback - praise each person for effort; constructive criticism 5. Homework tasks 6. Behavioral exchange practice Treatment techniques: Assist couples to develop honest self assessment of who they are, what the relationship offers. Openness & congruence, they decide on remedial action. Helper creates safe context: core conditions for helping. Multiple realities. Psych distress = disparity between actual experience and self-image (Incongruence) - i.e. child blames himself for parent's conflict. Congruence of helper important - neutrality important - non judgmental Traditional helping: Traditionally allocated to certain family members. Traditional healers communicate with ancestral spirits - advice on safeguarding from evil spirits & witch craft. Healers seek causes & solutions - individual not actively involved in seeking

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