Provide a Definition and Example of Linear Prgraming

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Linear programming models as described by our text appear quite useful in solving problems with clearly defined goals. There are however issues which lend credence to the statement “but it’s a technique that operates under conditions of certainty.” Linear programing methodology requires that a concept known by PC gamers as min/max decision-making be employed. Role playing games in which character statistics are adjust to gain maximum benefit for a given role is a common example of this concept. In our example of a character in a role playing game, the character will desire equipment which places maximum emphasis on desired statistics and ignores or minimizes those which provide little benefit. As an example a warrior type character may maximize items which provide strength and ignore items which provide wisdom. As a result there is little utility outside of the given role. Linear programing utilizes min/max process. For example a company may seek maximum profit and minimal waste or expense. Certainly desirable in business but at what cost? Much like or gaming example, balance is ignored. Another aspect of business that is ignored by the linear programming approach is market share and corporate growth. Indeed given the strict mathematic approach of decision making in the linear programing process is the concept of customer desires and satisfaction. Linear program also assumes known values for issues such as demand. While we might forecast demand, we can never be sure of demand nor can we consider it a constant. Finally linear programing requires additivity and proportionality. This means that we can not account for simple concepts such as volume discounts. If one raw material costs $1 then 10 raw materials must cost $10. However it is common practice that while 1 raw material costs $ 1 and 10 raw materials cost $9 and 1000 raw materials cost $800.

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