Prosecution of Lady Macbeth

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, most of you have heard of the terrible tale of the Macbeth family, a tale of ambition, greed and murder. Many of you may believe that Macbeth was the only culprit in the murder of Duncan, King of Scotland. However today, we the prosecution, will demonstrate to you that it was, in fact Lady Macbeth who was the mastermind behind the murder. She may not have killed Duncan herself, however she planned the murder, she took complete control of Macbeth and she covered up the murder. She used Macbeth like a puppet on a string. In any murder investigation, ladies and gentlemen; the three main things that need to be established before guilt can be determined are motive, means and opportunity. Lady Macbeth had motive, she created the means and took advantage of situations to create the opportunity to murder King Duncan. The motive was ambition, in fact Lady Macbeth’s ambition to become queen. This ambition was so strong, that it became her reason for being. The idea of this first came to her when she received a letter from Macbeth, detailing the prophecies made by the witches. The witches predicted that Macbeth would one day become King of Scotland “Hail, king that shalt be! (I.v.8)”. After reading the letter, Lady Macbeth immediately began to devise a plan, to ensure that her husband would become king, and she queen. She became impatient, realising how long this might take, and determined that the only way to ensure that this would occur quickly, would be to kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth devised a plan to create the means in a very calculated way. The first step in Lady Macbeth’s murderous plan was to persuade Macbeth to carry out the deadly deed. Lady Macbeth was unsure how Macbeth would react to the possibility of murdering Duncan to become king. She felt his nature was too kind and decent “What thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature;
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