Pros and Cons of Teachers and Students Using the Internet.

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Essay: Pros and cons of teachers and students using the internet. The internet is most valuable in education for the sheer volume of information it holds. Even a well-stocked library cannot come close to providing the vast amount of information, on any subject imaginable, that the internet provides. Internet technology literally puts the world at the students’ fingertips. Additionally, use of the internet in the classroom provides students with tools to utilize an important resource that may help them later in life. The internet may be used later in life for important tasks such as finding a job, obtaining news, researching for college courses, and inquiring about services. Among the vast amount of information that the internet provides are some sources that are not credible. Students must be taught how to identify reliable information. Sites such as Wikipedia, where users may post and edit articles, must be used with caution. Additionally, blogs and other personal websites may be posted by anyone without review or verification of information. Students should be taught to look for cited sources on websites to determine credibility. Furthermore, the internet must be navigated cautiously, as students have accessibility to many sites and topics that they could easily stumble upon, either purposefully or accidentally. Most brick and mortar schools have a filtering system for internet access. However, filtering systems aren’t perfect, and it is difficult for teachers to monitor all students at all times. Students should be taught to report sites that are inappropriate. As a virtual teacher, I have even less control over what students are exposed to online. Some parents install filtering software such as “Net Nanny” or “Cyber Patrol”. This does present challenges when students participate in online lessons through our

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