Pros And Cons Of Pump House

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Pump House Advantages and Disadvantages The ideal location for the pump house needs to consider many factors including environmental factors, cost, aesthetics etc. The location that has been appointed to us has both pros and cons that require discussion. We have observed many advantages that will assist this location being ideal and also have provided solutions to fixing the cons. The pros of building the pump house on the hill in Sydney Park are as follow: * The site is very convenient for construction and maintenance as it is located near the road. This means the transportation of material such as concrete will be easily achieved. * The site contains many hills so we can assume that the bed rock is near the surface, this indicates that the foundation is relatively strong hence the amount of soil strengthening is less. This directly reduces costs and time of construction and also provides a factor of safety since the foundation is strong. * There are many trees around the park that make it naturally pleasing, but the Pump House will be located in an area with no trees hence there is no need to cut down trees or destroy nature. * There is parking available for workers. * If at any point there is a need for expansion of the Pump House then it can be done since the area is relatively large. The cons are: * The Pump House will be very unattractive as it will be located near the road and shops. There are many apartments that enjoy a good view of the city, which may be blocked. * The construction and operation of the Pump House will create a lot of noise pollution. This will induce many complaints from the residents of the nearby apartments and visitors of the park. * The Children’s cycle zone will need to be destroyed for the construction of the Pump House; this will be a very confliction issue with the public. * The

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