Pros And Cons Of Legalization Of Euthanasia

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Legalization of Euthanasia Euthanasia should be legalized to a certain extent. To most of the people around the globe who hold an opinion on this matter such as students, doctors and even politicians, euthanasia may somewhat be a matter of a hot debate. But for the terminally ill, death is a looming certainty to be dealt with, and therefore euthanasia is comparatively a vital concern for them. Taking this into consideration and on the basis of morality of the issue, it can evidently be said that the positives of euthanasia clearly outweigh the negatives and therefore it should be legalized, although not completely, but to a certain extent. . Etymologically speaking, in ancient times euthanasia meant an easy death without severe suffering.…show more content…
By active euthanasia is meant ‘the deliberate ending of life by administration of drugs’, that is, the willful ending of the life of a person, who either has a fatal disease or is subjected to a great amount of misery, which can be avoided by injecting a fatal dose of a drug, whereas, passive euthanasia is by and large another word for ‘letting die’. It includes ending the life of an individual by deliberate withholding of drugs or other life-sustaining treatments. The conventional doctrine is that there is such an important moral difference between the two that, although the latter is sometimes permissible, the former is always forbidden. This doctrine may be challenged for several reasons. First of all, active euthanasia is in many cases more humane than passive euthanasia. Secondly, the conventional doctrine leads to decisions concerning life and death on irrelevant grounds. Thirdly, the doctrine rests on a distinction between killing and letting die that itself has no moral importance. The distinction between active and passive euthanasia is thought to be crucial for medical ethics. The idea is that it is permissible, at least in some cases, to withhold treatment and allow a patient to die, but it is never permissible to take any…show more content…
It constitutes the intentional administering of a drug or medication into the body of a patient at his own request and with his full consent, to end his life. Voluntary euthanasia is illegal in general because it is believed that what it implies in a negative sense is greater than the good it can offer to a miserable patient. It can be vouched for by saying that, even though suicide is now legal and considered rational; the people who are disabled would be unable to take their own life without assistance. Even though Passive euthanasia is widely accepted and practiced, the withholding and withdrawing of a patient’s medication may cause much more suffering to a patient than a rapid one and hence active euthanasia may be preferable. A patient’s autonomy should be respected, that is, if a person wishes for active euthanasia, and if his wish for the same is reasonable enough, given that his suffering to come would be unbearable, then this wish of his should be respected and not deemed as illegal. However, one of the main arguments for euthanasia is relief of suffering. Great advances have been made in palliative care, and many argue that this obviates the end for euthanasia. Patients who are severely ill or disabled are vulnerable and may feel the pressure to ask for euthanasia, this is because even if no-one is pressuring them to opt for euthanasia, they may want to die to spare their families
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