Pros And Cons Of Internet

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Pros and Cons of the Internet The word internet is the short for “interconnected network of computers”. The Internet is a network of tens of thousands of computer networks worldwide, enabling computer users to send and receive digital information to and from each other. This research paper will assess the controversy of whether having the internet is better or worse for people. The Internet has given society a wealth of resources to share knowledge, information and express creativity. The internet can literally bring the world to our fingertips. The capabilities and possibilities of the Internet are vast and wondrous, but like any mechanism that technology develops to enhance our lives, there is usually some level of trade-off. Internet technology provides numerous benefits and some headaches too. The advent of this vast network of connections has created efficiency and convenience, yet at the same time opened a door for crime and privacy issues to emerge. One of the biggest advantages of the Internet is that it is essentially unlimited by space or time. Through this, people will have an easy access to Information and it will be available, 24 hours a day and seven days a week. The Internet is also said to increase learning educationally. Students can use blogs to break down barriers of traditional publishing and to facilitate discussions with teachers, classmates, and wide audiences. Podcasting has also become a popular technology in education, as it provides a way of pushing educational content to learners. Media sharing is also finding use within education. Sites like “Flickr” gives access to students in finding images that may be used for presentations, learning materials or coursework. Another advantage of having the Internet is that we are all globally connected. People from any corner of the globe are able to communicate 24/7 instantaneously. The
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