To their understanding an abortion is a killing of an innocent human being and this individual has a fundamental right to life, which needs to be protected (Abortion Pro-Life supporters believe that fetuses can feel pain during the abortion procedure, which is inhuman. They also believe that with abortion being legal women would use it as a form of contraception. These supporters believe that the legalization of abortion sends a message that human life has little value (Abortion These were just some reasons that Pro-Life supporters fight for abortion to be
There are so many questions to consider but you have to endure both sides of this argument. I do not agree with abortion. I think under any circumstance the woman should give the unborn fetus a chance to grow and live. Whether she wants to keep the baby or not, she could still have the child and give it up for adoption to a family who is willing or able to take care of him or her. Hypothetically, you are in a rape situation.
Abortion Abortion is one of the biggest controversial issues in the U.S. ever since the roe vs. wade decision in 1973. This legalized that a woman could chose to abort her baby in the earlier months of pregnancy without restriction until the baby had reached a certain stage of growth. It passed because mothers were experiencing painful side effects or having bad health from being pregnant. Women were having abortions at first because they thought abortion was the only way out. Those women who are considering abortion because of personal issues should choose adoption instead.
But on the contrary, a life has been formed at conception and the consequences of sexual activity are well known. Once this human has been formed abortion is a direct violation of their human rights. Abortion is murderous and unnecessary. Since the formation of a human begins almost instantaneously, there is no way to have an abortion without killing a life form. It directly opposes human rights.
Pro-life supporters, on the other hand, believe that the unborn child has the right to life, and that abortion unlawfully takes away that right. If we take away the woman’s right to chose, will we begin limiting her other rights also? Or, if we keep abortion legal, are we devaluing human life? There is no easy answer to these questions. Both sides present strong, logical arguments.
If we don’t stop or teach these women in general on what are right or what is wrong then who will? How will they get the information that having an abortion isn’t a type of birth control? That’s why teachers’, friends’, and family need to have a discussion before they proceed on having an abortion. Anti- Abortionist may argue,” What about women or teenager who are raped?” Then, our society needs to pay for the medical costs and make the woman have the baby and give it up for adoption to a couple who is not able to have a
Here we are in this so-called world of freedom but when we exercise that freedom, we become ridiculed for making a choice. I would rather end a pregnancy instead of bringing a child into a world that they are forced to struggle and go without ; to make a child suffer is a far worse act then dissolving the birth of an unborn/ undeveloped fetus. In Roe v. Wade, a landmark Supreme Court decision in 1973, stated that a woman and her doctor may freely decide to abort a pregnancy during the first trimester, state governments can restrict abortion access after the first trimester with laws intended to protect the woman's health, and abortion after fetal viability must be available if the woman's health or life are at risk. Abortion was allowed in the United States of America
This is a strong point that causes much debate, but one concept that has to be taken into account here is viability. Viability is the ability for a fetus to live outside the mother’s womb. Studies have been done to show that there are no signs of viability in the first twenty-eight weeks of a pregnancy (Turpin). Can it really be considered murder if the child would not be able to live on their own as their own person? If anything, abortion should not be completely illegal but could only if performed after these first twenty-eight weeks of the pregnancy.
They are concerned that women are becoming pregnant and simply saying, “O well, I’ll just have another abortion.” That is not the case. Women have the right to have an abortion because they will take time to make the right decision. They will make their decision in conjunction with their doctor, their family, and their clergy. That is the position many women are in, and being in that position they are qualified to decide to have, or not have an abortion. We should try to make it less likely for a woman to find themselves making the choice of whether or not to have an abortion.
In this landmark case, the Court ruled that a pregnancy may be aborted during the first trimester, because the embryo is not yet viable. During the second trimester, the state may decide to protect the woman’s health by regulating the manner in which the abortion occurs. However, the Court ruled that during the third trimester, the developing child is capable of surviving on its own and, therefore; the state then has the power to deny the woman an abortion. After this ruling many pro-choice individuals argued that it was an inappropriate intrusion of the government into the people’s affairs; but as a result many young lives were saved. Abortion is unnecessary and the statistics prove it.