Propofol Report

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------------------------------------------------- Pharmaceutical Chemistry ------------------------------------------------- Drug Report Propofol (2,6-diisopropylphenol) Abstract: Investigate the structure and properties of Propofol, a hypnotic agent widely-prescribed in the United States of America, and recently scrutinised in the world media for having been linked to the death of the pop singer Michael Jackson. Introduction: Propofol is used to induce and maintain anaesthesia or sedation, and was until recently the most widely-used general anaesthetic in America. The drug had largely replaced sodium pentothal, as it has much less of a ‘hangover effect’ and is unrelated to barbiturates, which are no longer recommended as first-choice anaesthetics. It is administered intravenously, extensively metabolized and excreted by the renal system. Duffus & Worth postulated that “the ideal hypnotic drug is one that is rapidly absorbed and eliminated over a short period of time, without producing accumulation in the body, or producing active metabolites,”1 all conditions met by Propofol. Propofol was approved for use on humans and in veterinary medicine in the late 1970s, and was marketed as Diprivan by Astra Zeneca for many years. It has now been discontinued by Astra Zeneca and most other manufacturers, pending the results of several lawsuits involving the drug. Medical Factors: * Used in the induction and maintenance of general anaesthesia and in short-term sedation, i.e. In endoscopic procedures. * Short-term sedation, fast recovery time. * Longer-term sedation is induced by administering a ‘bolus’ of Propofol, followed by regular small quantities to maintain the condition or a constant low-concentration infusion. * Has a steep dose-response curve * Often administered alongside Lidocaine, a local anaesthetic, as many patients have

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